Friday, March 26, 2010

Philly Cheese Steak & Egg Skillet

Okay, one last post before I go away for the weekend! It's my flex day so I had time to create a delicious leisurely breakfast. For one. Paul picked the gym over breakfast... his loss!

We had steak and baked potato for dinner last night so I wanted to make steak and eggs. I sauteed some leftover baked potato for hashbrowns and some onions to go with the steak. I sliced up the left over steak and then plopped it in the pan. I broke an egg into the pan and started to put toast into the toaster... when I saw that Paul ate all the bread. This is also standard MO around here.

I made a snap decision to "fi'nagle" something awesome... and so, the Philly Cheese Steak & Egg skillet was born! I will call it a skillet for lack of a better term. I don't think it actually qualifies. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Philly Cheese Steak & Egg Skillet

Ingredients (approx. I don't measure on the fly.)
1 1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 baked potato, cubed
1/4 onion, sliced
Salt and pepper
Italian seasoning
Leftover steak
1 tbsp cream cheese
1 egg

1. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat

2. Plunk your cubed potatos into the butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and italian seasoning. Flip when they're nice and brown, sprinkle with more salt, pepper and italian seasoning.

3. At the same time, put the onions in the pan. Sautee until nice and soft and get a nice colour.

4. Once potatoes and onions and close to done,  melt remaining 1/2 tbsp butter, slice up the leftover steak and lay in the pan. Flip when necessary.

5. Break egg into the pan. Cook sunny-side up or over-easy, whatever you like.

6. Once potatoes and onion are done, put them in a small bowl and gently mix with cream cheese.

7. Put potato/onion/cream cheese mixture onto a small plate and layer steak on top. Top with fried egg and dig in!

(Paul was jealous. I didn't share. I am not sorry.)


  1. hmm my first comment is missing, strange? I pretty much said "YUM" and that I don't blame Paul for being jealous! Name suggestion: Steak and Egg Pile of Goodness!

  2. Or, in honour of your weekend, how about "Mountain of Goodness"!
