Thursday, July 15, 2010

Camping Food!

I got a tip that blogging using Mozilla Firefox might fix that weird spacing problem that I've been having. Let's see if this works!

I just got back from a camping trip! Well, I got back about a week ago but I've been a terrible blogger and I haven't updated anything. Sorry guys! Paul and I had a wonderful trip. It was great. We spent about 10 days exploring the coast of Oregon. I have never seen a more beautiful beach! 

Kalaloch, Washington State

 Wreck of the Peter Iredale - Fort Stevens National Park
Astoria, Oregon

The camping trip was great. We ate a lot of really good, simple food. I love cooking, but I also love relaxing so I didn't really try to knock anything out of the plate on this trip. I took some photos of our food and will give you guys some descriptions, but I definitely didn't keep a record of any recipes. What I WILL give you is a list of the spices I took with me. I have a GIGANTIC spice collection. There aren't many spices I don't have. So, when it comes to picking out what to take I have a lot to choose from, but I still only take a few. 

Here it is, my list of ESSENTIAL spices for camping trips:
-salt and pepper
-extra virgin olive oil
-balsamic vinegar
-Italian seasoning
-garlic powder
-onion powder

I also brought taco spice and jerk seasoning, just in case, but I didn't really use any of it. I'm telling you, this combination of spices can season just about anything you want to make while camping. 

Hamburgers? Use the onion, garlic, Italian and salt and pepper to season your patties
Grilled veggies? Garlic, Italian, salt, pepper and EVOO
Salad dressing? EVOO, Balsamic, Italian, salt and pepper OR buy a lemon and subsitute lemon juice in for the balsamic
Greek chicken? EVOO, lemon juice, garlic powder and Italian seasoning

Use Italian seasoning wherever you would normally use basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme or parsley

Now, without further ado - the food porn.

Spinach Salad - spinach, cucumber, green pepper and strawberry

 Steak Fajita with Guacamole

 Crawfish - Jack's Crawfish
Portland, Oregon
Grilled Vegetables and Cheeseburger

Camping Fondue! 
This was great. We cut up some steak and marinated it in some BBQ sauce and marinated veggies in EVOO, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Then we skewered it onto our hot dog roasting sticks and cooked it over the fire. So much fun and so so so tasty!

...and our last meal...

 Steak, Bacon AND eggs...because we're like that.

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