Sunday, May 9, 2010

Coconut-Ginger Yam Soup

Honourable mention goes out to Jen for providing me with this recipe! She showed me a cookbook from the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga. This place hosts yoga retreats, complete with a totally delicious totally vegetarian food program and have their own recipe book to boot. EVERYTHING in that book looks delicious, so keep your eyes peeled for more of their recipes. I made a couple of modifications (based on what I found in my fridge) and this is what I came up with.

The soup is nice and creamy with a hint of curry. I bet mine would have tasted less like cinnamon if I hadn't accidentally used twice the required amount. It tasted good anyways, but next time I'll be sure to read the recipe more closely. 

Coconut-Ginger Yam Soup

3 cups cubed yams
1 cup chopped carrot
1/2 cup chopped leek
3.5 cups water
1/2 tbsp grated ginger
1 tsp Thai green curry paste
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
pinch of chili powder
1 can coconut milk
Cilantro for garnish


1. Boil the water and place the yams, carrots and leeks in the pot. Bring to a boil again and simmer for 20 minutes or until all the vegetables are cooked.

2. Stir in curry paste, ginger, spices and coconut milk. Blend with immersion blender.

3. Simmer for 30 minutes.

4. To serve, spoon into bowls and garnish with cilantro. Enjoy!

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