Sunday, May 30, 2010

Family Breakfast and other culinary endeavors

Ahoy there, food fans!

Sorry I've been neglecting you. I have been SUPER busy lately and I haven't really been doing a lot of cooking. This entry is more of a catch-up, so it's going to consist more of food porn than recipes.

Coconut Banana Custard 

Alright, so this little dish looks kind of gross and doesn't taste super spectacular. HOWEVER, if you're gluten and dairy free, or on the paleo diet, it's a nice little breakfast/dessert. It's pretty much just blended eggs, coconut milk, banana and cinnamon baked in the oven until its a porridge/custard-like consistency. Definitely didn't throw it out, but probably won't make it again.

Pulled Pork (?)

So this one has a question mark beside it because I wasn't intending on making pulled pork, but it just kind of turned out that way. It was a slow-roasted pork shoulder that was so juicy and tender that it just fell apart. It was also an incredibly fatty cut of pork, so slicing it was out of the question. Hence, pulled pork.

Family Breakfast

I just got back from visiting my Mommy! We ended up having a family reunion... all of this side of my family together at once! It has definitely been several years since that last happened. My brothers, John and Brian, are also really into cooking so we whipped up a feast Saturday morning.

Brian and John chopping up ingredients...



and potato...

green onion, egg and spices...

make one delicious breakfast!

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