Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Corn Tortillas

I keep falling behind on my posts! Sorry, guys. I promise I've been cooking, I just haven't had time to post about it. Life has been a bit hectic, trying to bang out my last paper before my 'summer break' - as in, I'm not taking another class until September. Now that it's handed in (4 days early, I might add!) it's time to tell you about all the fun tasty things I've been cooking.

Last week, my transit pal Kyla came over for dinner. Good thing she did, because I wanted to experiment with home made corn tortillas, and Paul won't eat those. They turned out really well, I think, but I think having a tortilla press might have made them better. Remember that I have no idea, because I haven't even had corn tortillas before. I think.

Anyways, it's really easy. You just mix corn flour, water, salt and some lime juice together and knead it into a dough. Let it rest, roll it out, and fry it in a pan. Bing bang boom, taco time. We made our tacos with a mix of bison and ground beef and home made taco seasoning. Super delicious. 

Corn Tortillas
1 3/4 Masa Harina (corn flour)
1 1/8 cups water
1 tsp salt
juice of half a lemon

1. Mix masa harina, salt, and most of the water together. knead together and see if you need more water. Add bit by bit until you have a good, elastic consistency.

2. Add lime juice and mix in well

3. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and allow to rest for 30 minutes

4. Roll out and cut into circles. I used a small bowl for a cut-out

5. Heat pan (no oil!) to medium high and cook for a few minutes on each side, until it starts to brown

6. It's TACO TIME!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmm this looks so good I wish I could eat it! Good job on the home made corn tortillas!!
